Celebrating our communities through stories of perseverance, passion, and love of the land.
The story of local agriculture is quite amazing. The farmers we serve have navigated these decades like heroes, overcoming challenges through innovation, dedication, and a passion for ag.
"Our family has been here for generations. It's our community and we don't want to let them down. That's service–and it's what's important.”
Adam Couch
Ceres Customer/Fire Chief
"I would summarize my relationship with Ceres and Frank as loyalty, partnership—even friendship.”
Chad Widnmer
Ceres Customer/Indiana Farmer
"We want to take great care of our cows, do everything with excellence and just produce the very best product we can for our customers."
Rob eekhoff
Ceres Customer/Michigan Farmer
"We see the difference our sustainability practices are making—in our land, in our crops, and in our communities."
Mark Kingma
Ceres Customer/Indiana Farmer
"They don’t just give us supplies and take our money. At Ceres, they really want us to be the best we can. We’ve never had such a strong relationship."
Nick Meyerrose
Brownsburg Schools Transportation Coordinator
"Whatever you’re passionate about, do it. Don’t let anyone stop you from doing it, even if you’re in the minority in agriculture. That’s ok."
Whitney Nickless
Part Owner, Melon Acres
“The legacy that I want to pass down to my kids is when you take care of the relationship of the family and the relationship of the community, it outlives you.”
Zane Davies
Part Owner, Davies Farms
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Ceres Co-op
2112 Indianapolis Road
Crawfordsville, IN 47933
Central Phone: 765-362-6700
Wabash Phone: 260-563-8381
Email: info@ceres.coop
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